Over the course of time, I notice that most people get the
doldrums of summer about this time of year.
It’s not that everyone wants it to end, but rather they are looking
forward to getting back into a routine.
Whether you have school aged kids or not, it seems like we relax more in
the summer and then come Labor Day, get back in the groove and focus. My clients often ask me about how to push
through a lack of motivation. Of course,
you can change your routine, try new things or sometimes take a much needed
break from pushing yourself. Mainly,
motivation comes down to Your Reason.
Your Reason may not be as easy to figure out as you might
think. Many people want to lose weight
and get healthy for a particular event, to fit into a certain item of clothing,
or to impress someone else. These are
all great (and valid) reasons to set a goal and get started on the healthy
path. However, it may not keep you on
the path, especially when you are ready to give up. The event passes, and then what? Your Reason is what keeps you going.
Your Reason is typically more internal, or intrinsic, than
external (extrinsic). It’s a driving
force that will keep you focused no matter what. It may be that your family has a history of
heart attacks at a young age, or that your parents didn’t live past 50. It
might be that you feel so much better when you live healthy than when you miss
a week of workouts. Your desire to be a
healthier, fitter you than you were last year could be part of Your Reason.
What’s mine, you ask? I want to age as best I can. I want to be active well into my later
years. I am blessed with good genes in
the health department, so that helps.
Staying mobile for a long time is important to me, so I do what I can
now to encourage that. When the gym
seems like the last place I want to go, I think about this and head outside for
a good walk, or try a workout program through the cable stations.
Sharing your reason can be helpful in staying on your path
to healthy and fit. Tell a friend, post
it on Facebook or Twitter, or even put it on your refrigerator, so you can see
it every day. Stay active, stay healthy! Enjoy the rest of your summer readers!!